Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Multiple Awards-Winning Brand of Hong Kong
榮 獲 多 個 國 際 獎 項 的 香 港 品 牌
Welcome to Health Harvest Tualang Honey Online Retail Store
歡迎到訪康禾Tualang 野生蜂蜜網上專門店
Green Tea | Turmeric | Ginger | Red Ginger | Cinnamon | Green Coffee | Mangosteen Rind

Mangosteen rind contains a compound known as xanthone which can neutralise free radicals inside your body. Xanthones has properties of anti-inflammatory,
anti-microbial and controlling cholesterol.
Mangosteen rinds are converted to a free-flowing powder through spray drying and is suitable for daily consumption as health food.
Spray Drying Technique | Specifications
Total Logistic Table | Packaging Solution
Contact Us for Wholesale / OEM